Keywords in Java

Keywords are reserved word in programming language. Keywords are predefined, reserved words used in programming language that have a special meaning. Every language have keywords. All language have grammar that come from English grammar who represent the grammar of language.

In java there are 55 keywords. Keywords may not be used as identifiers in Java. We cannot use keyword as a variable.

Example of Keyword:

    int a;

In above example, int is a Keyword that indicates 'a' is a variable which is integer type.

Java is case sensitive language, all keywords must be written in lowercase.

Java Keywords
int float double char
abstract assert boolean byte
catch try class const
extends final finally implements
import instanceof interface native
new package private protected
public strictfp super synchronized
this throw throws transient
volatile for continue void
break else if long
switch case while do
enum short const return
static default

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